- Registration number: M370605, M398973, M403667
- Trading name(s): Wheels NZ
- Company number: 6881993
- Registered office address: 39 Nui Mana Place, Te Atatu South, Auckland, 0610
- Period of ban: 5 years (until 23 January 2028)
- Reason for ban: Pursuant to section 68(1)(b)(i) of the Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003, a person who has more than once within a period of 10 consecutive years, failed to comply with an order of the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal.
- Any terms or conditions applied: N/A
Persons concerned in the management of the company (as at 29 May 2023): Hinze Joy and Liya Jacob
Last known residential address: 39 Nui Mana Place, Te Atatu South, Auckland, 0610 – Hinze Joy and Liya Jacob
Date of birth: 1 April 1986 – Hinze Joy
Date of birth: 11 November 1986 – Liya Jacob
Any other particulars that may be prescribed: N/A