Fees for Motor Vehicle Traders and the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal levy (Tribunal) are changing from 1 August 2022

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Justice ran a public consultation earlier this year on proposed adjustments to the fees for registered Motor Vehicle Traders and the Tribunal levy.

We received a number of submissions on these proposals - thank you for your feedback.

The Government has now agreed to amend the fees for registered Motor Vehicle Traders, and adjust the Tribunal levy, to ensure that these services are funded sustainably. The changes will take effect from 1 August 2022.

What is the change?

The fees for Motor Vehicle Traders will change from a flat fee of $405.33 (GST exclusive) to a tiered fee structure, with different amounts charged for individual traders and companies, and for registrations and renewals.

The Tribunal levy is currently $112.89 (GST exclusive) and will increase to $210 (GST exclusive). This is to ensure the Tribunal can continue to be funded sustainably, and maintain access to justice for consumers should a dispute occur.

Fee category New fee
(GST exclusive)
New levy
(GST exclusive)
(Fee + Levy)
Total fee inc. levy
(GST inclusive)
Registration application - Individual $432.00 $210.00 $96.30 $738.30
Registration application - Company $863.00 $210.00 $160.95 $1,233.95
Renewal – individual $401.00 $210.00 $91.65 $702.65
Renewal – company $802.00 $210.00 $151.80 $1,163.80

Background to these changes

The fees and levy set for the Motor Vehicle Traders regime and the Tribunal have not been adjusted since the Motor Vehicle Sales Act was introduced in 2003.

It is important that fees and levies are regularly reviewed to check that they are covering costs and not resulting in over-recovery or under-recovery of costs.

Adjustments are now required because, over time, the costs of running the Tribunal and Motor Vehicle Traders regime have risen, and the levy and fee are not adequately covering the costs of these services.

You can read more about the Motor Vehicle Traders Register fees and the Tribunal levy changes.

Reviews of Motor Vehicle Traders fees and Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal levy - Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Hīkina Whakatutuki(external link)